Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Remain attractive during pregnancy

By. Rieza R

Pregnant does not mean can not look stylish. Although the swelling began to occur everywhere on the body, particularly the stomach, but you can still look attractive and beautiful.
Some errors that often do pregnant women when choosing clothes is to buy regular clothes (not for pregnant women) that are large. Clothing of this type will only make you look great, not pregnant.
In addition, some women choose to wear the clothes her husband, whether it's shirts and shorts. Clothing of this type will only hide your true appearance, because people will actually think you are fat rather than pregnant.

In addition, if you only choose clothes with dark colors and neutral, then you will seem boring. If you leave the shades and bright colors in dress, then it creates an impression not only attractive in appearance.
Choosing small accessories to disguise the 'greatness' body you are also a wrong choice. Just when the 'bloated', you are advised to wear accessories that are large, because small accessories will sink into the existing bloated appearance.
Disguise the pregnancy by wearing colorful clothing is also a poor choice because it will just make you look rotund.
So what should be worn for 9 months time?
Pregnant women's jeans or black trousers is a fitting choice that can be paired with almost all the tops.
Jersey wrap dress and blouse empire will make you look cute throughout your pregnancy.
If you want to wear skirts, then choose a neutral color and make sure the material is made of stretch fabric with an adjustable belt.
Spend a little time to hunt down the little black dress that can adapt easily to growing belly bulge. Make sure the size you choose a little loose so you can wear during pregnancy. So there is no reason for "no clothing" when invitations come your way.
The gestation period is an opportunity for you to highlight parts of your neck, so wear clothes with a shovel or scoop collar and sweater.
You also do not need a jacket worn away. Wear long jackets that fit, without the need unbuttoned.
For shoes, shoe / sandal type of jewel embellished ballet flats are the best choices. If you want a little high, then choose the type of chunky wedges.
Kitten heels and stilettos will not provide the stability you need when walking or standing. These shoes will make your ankles and calves look bigger than actual.

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